Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Head Internet in Russian

Typing addresses of Internet sites in Russian, users can already about a year. In Paris at 32 - and the International Conference ICANN (Internet corporation for assigned names and numbers), organizing, administering domain names on the Net, it was decided that Russia can add to the already existing domains. RU and. SU Cyrillic domain.
According to the head of the delegation of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of Russia Vladimir Vasiliev, a new domain oboznachat letters RF (Russian Federation). "As long as the documents adopted by ICANN accelerated internationalization of top-level domain names. Ozhidat in practice opportunities to recruit the Internet browsers address in Cyrillic should not earlier the second quarter of 2009 "- said Vasiliev. By November this year Russia will develop a complete package of documents on how to be a top-level domain designation, who will be its administrator and others.
Incidentally, long ICANN board of directors did not give official permission to impose Cyrillic. Experts feared the confusion of English and Cyrillic alphabet and that the Internet could disintegrate into a number of isolated mestechkovyh zones. But after about two thousand representatives of the Internet industry from around the world to ICANN with a request to expand the list of domain names and make Network International Board of Directors approved the procedure surrendered and accelerated the introduction of domains in several languages, claimed by various States. He talks and Russia.
Specialists believe that the opportunity to use the Internet in the national language will lead to a sharp increase in the number of users online by those who previously experienced difficulties with the use of Latin. Also Cyrillic domains will further advertisement for the Russian marketers that use purely Russian words. Incidentally, Russia's largest registrar of domain Ru-Center in June asked the customers, whether those supporting the transition to the Cyrillic alphabet. Over the domain. RF has 70.4% of the respondents (admittedly, the total number of respondents Ru-Center is not named). Department Director of Public Relations Ru-Center Andrei Vorobyov, for example, believes:
-- The emergence of Cyrillic top-level domain will be a new milestone in the history Runeta. Russian language will come into the system addressing, which means that for many Russian Internet users, including potential, it will be possible to write the addresses of sites in their native language that significantly simplify the navigation on the World Wide Web.
With computers, for which there is no Russian-language keyboard layouts, Cyrillic domains can be typing with the help of a virtual keyboard.
The cost of registering a domain Cyrillic remains unknown. The experts do not exclude that it may exceed the amount of several tens of thousands of dollars.
Incidentally, another important decision of the Paris conference was that from next year to open access to urban areas and legal persons will appear top-level domains with any type of sequence of characters. Bank,. Oil,. Ivanov.

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