Saturday, May 17, 2008

Belgium accused the Chinese hackers in an attempt to hacking government networks

The Belgian government has accused Chinese hackers in kiberatakah for public information resources, reports PC World. What kind of those attacks were not reported. Nor was presented no evidence that the attacks perpetrated from the territory of China.

Minister of Justice of Belgium Vandorzen Jo (Jo Vandeurzen) said that Chinese hackers were targeted information resources pravitelstva.Ministr Federal Foreign Affairs of Belgium Karel De Gruht (Karel De Grucht) reported that his department has also in recent weeks faced with the Chinese kiberatakami.

Earlier, in an attempt to hacking government networks of Chinese hackers were accused Germany, Britain and the United States. The leadership of these States claimed that hackers oversees the Chinese army special unit, and bears responsibility for kiberataki the Chinese Government.

Belgian authorities have not blamed for the incident the Chinese Government. However, they stress that Chinese authorities should be something known about the incident.

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