Thursday, May 15, 2008

In the Vatican's father found aliens

Faith in God does not contradict the possibility of the existence of "brothers aliens" who may be at a higher stage of development than people, believes the head of Vatican Observatory, 45 - year-iezuit priest Jose Gabriel Funes ...

"In my view, life on other planets is possible," - said Funes, who is also scientific adviser to Pope Benedict XVI. In an interview with Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore, as reported by Reuters, a priest from the Vatican Observatory Romano Funes said that no one can deny the hypothesis that there are establishing similar to the people, or even more developed than people: "In addition to diversity living beings on Earth, God could create other, even more reasonable substance. This does not contradict our faith, as we are not powerless to restrict the freedom of God to do. So why is we can not talk about the brothers-aliens? " -- He added.

The head of the Vatican Observatory, located in southern Rome, suggested that humanity can be "zabludshey sheep" in the universe. Funes believes that dialogue between religious leaders and scholars can significantly advance, if scientists will study the Bible more closely, and the clergy will monitor scientific developments.